Fake surveys, bribe money flood way ahead of COC filing, campaign period

THIS early, fake surveys that are downright preposterous and funny already abound on social media, Facebook in particular.

The filing of certificates of candidacy or COCs is still over a month from now while the start of the official campaign period is next year and yet, there is this one candidate who is already very busy making the rounds, pretending to care for the voters he intends to fool again and coming up with, not programs of government or concrete plans that would benefit the people, but with black propaganda and fake news, as well as fake surveys.

This candidate in the metro is, of course, aided by paid “warriors” who are all too willing to be used as tools for propagating falsehoods, no matter how ridiculous the material may be.

I don’t see any need to mention his name as I may just promote him. Also, because if you browse through FB, I think he is the busiest of all the looming candidates in the metro.  Busiest in terms of promoting himself while smearing the reputation of the one he dreams of toppling from power.

This would-be candidate began his premature campaign by giving away huge amounts of money to barangay officials, even bragging to them, “tignan ko kung kaya nilang habulin ‘yan” in an apparent reference to his rivals.

Mind you, the spending spree took place at the height of ‘Carina.’

Heard that barangay chairmen were given P20,000 each while barangay kagawads got P5,000 each. Meantime, the residents who were displaced by the typhoon did not even cross the mind of the candidate.

Lamentably, he thinks that barangay officials must be prioritized because they can deliver votes and the typhoon victims are mere puppets of their barangay heads.

I can only hope and pray that the voters will not fall into the trap and see through the real character of the candidates seeking their votes.

I also hope and pray that the voters will not go for any candidate who thinks they are gullible or stupid and even prove him right, as he continues feeding them with lies, both about himself and his rivals.

And my God. The amount of money that he flooded the barangays with is worrisome. Who in his right mind would not know that the said would-be candidate will just use the position he craves in order to get back everything he had spent, complete with interest?

Additionally, insulting are the fake surveys coming up one after another. 

One was even claimed to have been from Malacanang.  At the rate the fake surveys are going, it won’t be a surprise if one of these days, surveys that would allege to have been done by the CIA or the Pentagon will flood the FB. Hahah…

What is the purpose of these fake surveys? A politician does this to project an image that he is a winning candidate and then uses the fake survey to try and convince political financiers to bankroll his candidacy. 

The distribution of large sums of money, on the other hand, is meant to ensure attendance and draw crowds the video of which, again, may be used to ask for monetary support from traditional financiers. 

It is also called ‘panic spending.’ The candidate concerned thinks that being the first to give barangay officials a huge sum of money ensures their support already. 

He obviously thinks that barangay officials can be bought and that principles have a price tag. Above all, he also clearly thinks that the election is a competition of who is best at bribery.

Several barangay chairmen and barangay kagawads I know who received P20k and P5k swore that they will never support the said candidate. 

They said they took the money but would not even vote for him, for they knew that he would just bleed the city coffers dry.

These chairmen and kagawads said many others think like them. They also say that they do not expect the candidate to truly care because he lives in another city. Thank God for them.


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