SPO4 Santiago brings NBI back on the map

IN a little over two weeks, there’s no doubt that newly-installed National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Director Jaime “Jimmy” Santiago has succeeded in virtually bringing the bureau back on the map.     

Not since the fiery, late Mayor Fred Lim held the same post decades ago has the NBI been this prominent and overflowing with huge accomplishments.     

Proof of this is the dizzying rate with which the number of stories that reporters covering the beat have been every day has increased of late, since Santiago assumed office on June 18, 2024.     

The NBI is indeed expected to soar to even greater heights with Santiago at its helm.

The prestige and glory that the NBI used to enjoy is well on its way to being restored, as promised by him in his first address to the NBI men and women.     

We take our hats off to  President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr. for choosing Santiago to head the NBI, the country’s version of the United States’ Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).     

As the country’s highest investigating authority, the NBI is now being aptly led.     

Why? Santiago, a no-nonsense guy, has everything that an NBI head should have to effectively lead the bureau, on top of his famed track record, principles, intellect, courage and iron-fisted approach against all forms of criminality, which first became highly evident when he was a cop.     

Apart from his illustrious career as a police officer of the country’s premier police district, he is also a lawyer. He was also a decorated prosecutor and judge who dispensed justice without fear or favor. 

Santiago is also fully aware of how law enforcement operations must and should be done, having held various sensitive positions at the then Western Police District, the leading police organization in the entire country. 

Among these positions, the feat he has achieved as head of the SWAT team gained so much fame that his life as a decorated police officer was even made into a blockbuster movie.     

As the new NBI Director, Santiago has vowed to bring positive changes and work hard on bringing the agency back to its former glory and much closer to the common tao.    

He also vowed to implement a reward system for those who show honesty and excel in the performance of their duties, using the intelligence funds of his office for the purpose.      

As a boss, Santiago is known for being kind and for standing up for his men as long as they do the right thing, but he has no tolerance for those who use their position for illicit purposes.   

In fact, during the turnover of the bureau’s reins to him, he said, in part:  “Mga kasama, mabait akong boss. Walang napapahamak sa akin,  sinasagot ko. But the director must always be informed. ‘Pag lumakad ka, hindi ko alam, buntot mo hila mo.”       

As a good friend of long-standing, I know that Santiago will give his all.  I have witnessed the kind of dedication and quality of work that he is capable of giving.   

At the rate Santiago is going right now, he’s only just begun. In the days to come, I am certain that we will see the NBI in greater action until it becomes a household name once again, 

The NBI is bound to benefit from his years of experience as a super cop, prosecutor and judge, positions that make him fully equipped with vital qualities that ensure he will be outstandingly effective in the post entrusted to him.

Needless to say, he is such a huge asset to the Marcos administration.


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