Comelec mulls banning use of AI, deepfake in 2025 poll campaign

THE Commission on Elections (Comelec) is looking into prohibiting the use of deepfake technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) during the campaign period for the May 2025 midterm polls.

Comelec chairman George Garcia said the measure is timely as these technologies might confuse voters.

“Maganda mapag-usapan na kung dapat ipagbawal ang paggamit ng AI or deepfakes sa kampanya. Dapat ‘yung makatotohanan na kampanya. Kukumbinsihin ko ang ating Commission en banc na ipagbawal namin sa campaign ang paggamit ng deepfakes at Al sapagkat madami po ang nalilito, misrepresentation, madaming hindi makatotohanan na nangyayari kapag ginagamit po ‘yan,” he said.

Deepfakes are an advanced form of digital content manipulation through generative AI, where a person in an image or video is swapped with another person’s likeness.

Garcia said personal interactions between poll bets and the electorate are much better than communicating using new technologies.

“Alam po natin ang (We are aware of) modern technology. Bakit ba hindi? Subalit dapat po, kapag kampanya, ikaw mismo ang nakikita ng sambayanan. Ikaw mismo ang nanliligaw sa kanila,” he said.

Garcia, however, said he is open to the ideas of other members of the en banc who would like to allow AI use during the campaign.

”Kaya lang sa ating palagay, masyado itong threat sa ating demokrasya, sa tunay na dapat ginagawa kapag halalan at may kampanya,” he said.

He also asked for the opinion of other offices in Comelec regarding the matter. (PNA)